On October 21st, 2019, the Alaska Raptor Center received a hawk rescue patient from Bird TLC in Anchorage, Alaska, a Rough-legged Hawk. The Rough-legged Hawk likes to spend summers catching lemmings on the arctic tundra and tending to their cliffside nest. Sightings for this amazing bird happen around winter. You will see them in southern Canada and the U.S., where one may be perched on a pole or gliding over a marsh or pasture on the hunt for small rodents. Found across northern latitudes, this hawk species color varies from light to dark.
After a thorough check-up by the ARC staff, this beautiful hawk was then moved to one of their convalescent mews as its rehabilitation journey continues. Performing a hawk rescue can be dangerous for handlers, due to their sharp beaks and large talons. Luckily the amazing and highly-experienced members of Bird TLC were able to treat this bird with the carefulness and attention it needed all the way to the Alaska Raptor Center. After a successful rehabilitation and once the hawk is completely healed, it will be released back into the wild, where it belongs!
Alaska Wildlife Rescue is proud to support and partner with such wonderful people and organizations.
Yesterday the Alaska Raptor Center received a new patient from Bird TLC in Anchorage, Alaska, a Rough-legged Hawk. After a check-up in our clinic, this beautiful hawk has been moved to one of our convalescent mews as its rehabilitation journey continues. pic.twitter.com/dmN3yAvKCS
— Alaska Raptor Center (@RaptorOrg) November 1, 2019