Financial Donations
When you make a donation to Alaska Wildlife Rescue, you are the sole-contributor that makes what we do possible so we can continue to save the lives of animals in need! Alaska Wildlife Rescue does not currently receive any local, state, or federal funding. Your compassion and selflessness is the reason why thousands of animals, each year, get another chance at survival.
Rescue Vehicle Donations
Do you have an old truck, boat or plane that you are tired of looking at? What better way to recycle its’ life than to donate it to Alaska Wildlife Rescue! If we receive a pick-up truck or car that is still in good shape, we may be able to put it to direct use at our organization or for transporting rescued animals. If we can’t use it in that way, our team will locate a buyer and the proceeds will be used to support our lifesaving work.
Supply Donations
Alaska Wildlife Rescue is in constant need of supplies due to the ever increasing amount of animals that we rescue. We want to ensure that we can and will always continue to provide safe and sanitary conditions for them and our team while they are in our care. This is extraordinarily important for us and the abundance of wildlife that we deal with on a daily basis.
Release Site Volunteer
Alaska Wildlife Rescue releases hundreds of animals back into the wild every year. In order to prevent overcrowding, we are unable to use the same sites over and over again. In saying so, we are constantly searching for new pieces of property available for rescued wildlife to inhabit. Offering your land will ensure that these animals will have a safe place to live and thrive their natural habit, once again. If you own 10 acres of land or more, please review the criteria listed below to see if your land may qualify.
Foster Care Volunteer
There are many opportunities throughout the year to become a foster volunteer. As of right now, Alaska WIldlife Rescue is in search of volunteers who are readily available to care for animals in their home. A vast majority of the animals will be babies. The species of wildlife that are most commonly in need of foster care are squirrels and mice. If you feel that you would be interested in fostering an animal, it is important to know that you hold the critical responsibility of feeding and providing a safe and comfortable space for the animal to dwell in until they are ready to be released back into the wild.